Jump on my bandwagon if you are ready for some life changing! If you are tired of the rut that you are in and ready for some John 10:10 climb on board.
For those who have been around me lately you will know that I've been directing people to read the article Moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry.
I'm now offically in the community stage of my journey. (I was reading from Romans 9 today and the word pictures of the potter still stick in my head) God has been molding me, chisling me and sanding me lately and I must honestly say that it has been the best time of my life in a really long time. While it is never easy or pleasant being worked on being in the potters hands is no safer place to be and to be doing the will of the Father is the most rewarding. I'm looking forward to seeing how God continues to use me for His purposes.
Why do I say all this? Because it is the life changing truth that we all want but I also hope to inspire you to join me on this journey and watch God work in your life. Click on the link and read the artcile and highlight things that jump out to you. Then ask God what He is trying to tell you and how to apply it to your life. Then read it again the tomorrow and highlight things that you did not catch the day before or something from yesterday that catches you in a new way.
As you are being filled by the Father, you are able to pour into others and then you are able to minister. If you are NOT being filled by the father you are in a spiritual drought and you are becoming dried up, brittle and no good. A quick rain won't heal you but a long steady healing rain is what will get you back on track.
If something grabs your attention write it in your journal but also reply to the post and share it with others in the group. As writers we want your feedback and push back. As readers your expirences will impact others who are reading the post.
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