Over the past month, THE ONE has inspired many people to intentionally connect with those around them for the purpose of encouragement and discipleship. Many people have experienced spiritual revival and have been challenged to break out of their shell. Andy Frey is one of those.
I got an email last night where Andy shared that he had been struggling with finding his "ONE." He writes,
At first I was really excited about "The One" but I quickly became discouraged. The problem is, I'm not really the outgoing person a lot of the other people in the group are, and I really began to struggle with the whole concept.Andy's answer is http://www.LifeWalkTV.com. Andy says, "This is my 'ONE'."
I prayed and prayed and prayed, knowing that I was in that group for a reason, I just couldn't figure out how I fit in. So after a week or two, the answer came to me.
I love this! I love that THE ONE kind of "woke something up" in Andy to use his gifts and unique personality to impact the people around him, and potentially, thousands more. I love this kind of creativity.
Andy, you knocked it out of the park on this one bro. Proud of you!